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Ebb Tide

Heart 'n Soul

Holiday Concert    December 8, 2024

Maine-ly Harmony


Women's Barbershop Chorus

Augusta, Maine


Hire Us!

Dee:  207 740-4882

Do you like to sing?

Come join us!

Weekly Rehearsal

6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Highland Avenue United
Methodist Church
31 Highland Ave

Gardiner, ME 04345

MH sings for you!
Click to listen
In-person rehearsal 
address at bottom of page 

Why Maine-ly Harmony?

Maine-ly Harmony has been performing in the Augusta area for years.  Singing in

  • senior citizen facilities,

  • veterans homes,

  • church fundraisers,

  • community celebrations,

  • Christmas tree lighting ceremonies,

  • civic organization events

I discovered four-part harmony and Maine-ly Harmony thirty-one years ago through an adult education advertisement, and have never looked back.  Membership in the chorus has meant opportunities to sing and 







Maine-ly Harmony has a mission of community outreach which  includes singing  in retirement homes, church celebrations, town parades, Christmas tree lighting ceremonies and memorial services.

perform locally and as far away as Ontario and Florida.   Harmony, Incorporated, which is Maine-ly Harmony’s umbrella organization, has provided many education opportunities along the way, allowing me to become a chorus director and a barbershop contest judge.  


But the most rewarding aspect of being part of Maine-ly Harmony has been the friendship with women from all walks of life who share the common goal of sharing our love of music.  And it all started by walking in the door to a rehearsal and saying “yes” to an invitation to sing.




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As an Area 2 chapter member of Harmony Inc., Maine-ly Harmony competes every spring during a barbershop  weekend convention.  The competition is a wonderful opportunity to attend classes, hear music performed by award winning choruses and quartets and connect with a diverse group of women who share a love of barbershop music.

When I found Maine-ly Harmony in 2012 it was a game changer!  Barbershop style of singing has been the most challenging and satisfying singing experience I have had. I love how we perform/tell the story of each song using facial expression and choreography.   We work hard at it but IT’S SO MUCH FUN!

This group of women are all supportive of one another.  Some of our ladies have decades of barbershop experience, others less than a year,  but our tools for learning have even newbies singing with the group at their first rehearsal.  

In 2015 I was attending a Maine Retired Educators luncheon where 2 lovely ladies at my table announced an upcoming Maine-ly Harmony concert. I was a recently retired band teacher and I was intrigued. Since I had expressed an interest, they gently kept after me to attend a rehearsal. I was hooked

It has been a challenge plus a great learning experience. But the best part is everyone is so friendly and helpful. I look forward to Wednesday nights. Different styles of learning are provided to learn the music: written music, part specific learning tracks and some small group rehearsal.

Last year I accepted another challenge and changed the voice part that I sing. I’m the newest tenor.





I owe so much to Maine-ly Harmony.  It has given me many friends, a musical education, an opportunity to provide comfort and happiness to others through performances in churches, service organization, retirement and nursing facilities, fund raisers, shows and more.  Travel opportunities have included trips to other states and countries, including Canada and Europe.

I am grateful and proud to be a charter member of this organization. 

If you love to sing, you are going to love this experience!





 I began my a capella experience in 1999 in NJ and through my Navy travels I searched out barbershop choruses at each duty station.  I have since retired from the Navy and moved back home  to Maine  and found Maine-ly Harmony through Harmony Inc. I feel right at home with my singing sisters, and am thrilled to have found caring, thoughtful, and harmonious friends in Mainely Harmony.

Rehearsal Hours

Maine-ly Harmony rehearses every Wednesday evening.  Join us as we sing songs from our rep.

Wednesday evenings
6:30 PM - 9:00 PM



Highland Ave. United Methodist Church

31 Highland Ave

Gardiner, ME 04345



Contact: Dee

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